Privacy Policy
ClinicLine Healthcare Inc. is a healthcare company that provides services for healthcare providers across Canada.
At ClinicLine Healthcare Inc. (“ClinicLine”, “we” and/or “our”), we understand the responsibility that comes along with supporting healthcare services and so have built in privacy protections with our providers in mind. This Policy describes how we help healthcare professionals manage and protect the privacy of personal information through the Solutions.
This Policy applies to personal health information that is regulated by the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA). The Policy’s purpose is to ensure that the manner in which ClinicLine collects, uses, discloses, retains and disposes of personal health information (PHI) is in accordance with the requirements of PHIPA. Under PHIPA, ClinicLine is subject to privacy requirements as an “agent” that handles personal health information on behalf of physicians, who are health information custodians. ClinicLine receives from referring physicians personal health information that includes a patient’s name, contact information, and other eligibility criteria as required for each particular healthcare program offered by the physician and supported by ClinicLine. Physicians contracting with ClinicLine are health information custodians governed by PHIPA. As such, they have the first responsibility for the protection of their patients’ personal health information. However, ClinicLine assumes responsibility for the protection of personal health information that is given to our custody and control for the purposes of supporting our physicians’ programs. Protection of Personal Information and Personal Health Information is very important.
This policy has been developed to:
· Provide direction and help employees, consultants, affiliates and other individuals having cause to work at ClinicLine understand their roles and responsibilities under PHIPA and how to comply.
· Provide direction to ClinicLine employees on confidentiality and the treatment of personal health information.
· Create a workable framework for physicians and clinics using ClinicLine services to ensure the protection of personal health information.
Policy Statement
ClinicLine employees, consultants, and other individuals having cause to work at ClinicLine will demonstrate their respect for individual privacy rights and their compliance to legislation by following the rules for the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal health information in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) and by adhering to all privacy and security policies, procedures, and guidelines.
Most privacy legislation is based on 10 internationally recognized “privacy protocols” or fair information practices. ClinicLine’s Privacy Policy has been organized according to these privacy protocols, as follows:
Protocol 1 – Accountability for Personal Health Information
ClinicLine is responsible for personal health information received from health care professionals that use ClinicLine programs.
Accountability for ClinicLine’s compliance with PHIPA rests with ClinicLine’s Managing Directors. Individuals with privacy expertise have been appointed to provide leadership, direction and problem-solving for ClinicLine’s privacy management initiatives. Furthermore, a Privacy and Security Committee provides guidance and input into the development of policies, procedures, guidelines and privacy practices.
The contact information for ClinicLine’s Privacy Officer is a matter of public record and is published on ClinicLine’s website.
ClinicLine is responsible for personal health information in its custody and control, including information that might be transferred to a third party for processing. ClinicLine uses contractual agreements and/or other authorized means to ensure a comparable level of protection and accountability whenever it is necessary for a third party to handle such information.
Protocol 2 – Identifying Purposes for Collecting Personal Health Information
ClinicLine collects personal health information from physicians for the purposes of supporting the physician’s programs.
ClinicLine documents and informs health information custodians and the public of the purposes for which it uses personal health information. ClinicLine receives from a referring health information custodian, personal health information including a patient’s name, contact information, health card number, and program eligibility, so that a consultation with a health care professional may be arranged.
When ClinicLine contacts individuals directly to obtain additional personal health information required for the purposes outlined above, persons collecting the personal health information explain to individuals the purposes for which the information is being collected.
When personal health information that has been collected is to be used for a purpose not previously identified, the new purpose shall be identified and will be explained to the individual before it is used. Unless permitted by law, the consent of the individual will be obtained before the information is used for a new purpose.
When ClinicLine conducts quality improvement activities such as patient satisfaction surveys and call-recordings, express consent is sought and patients are informed they do not have to participate.
Protocol 3 – Consent for the Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
When a patient is referred to a ClinicLine supported program for a consultation, obtaining consent for providing personal health information to ClinicLine rests with the referring health information custodians. ClinicLine can assume the consent of a patient when it receives a referral.
PHIPA requires that consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal health information be “knowledgeable”. ClinicLine expects that patients will understand that the referring health information custodian will forward their personal health information to ClinicLine if a referral has been made into the program. At or before the time of the appointment, ClinicLine provides every patient with information that outlines the purposes of the ClinicLine program. At that point, patients can discuss the purposes for which ClinicLine collects, uses and discloses personal health information.
ClinicLine respects an individual’s right to withdraw consent, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. ClinicLine will inform the individual of the implication of such withdrawal, including the fact that the withdrawal will not have a retroactive effect.
ClinicLine respects an individual’s right to place conditions on the use and disclosure of personal information, unless such conditions, for example, prohibit or restrict any recording of personal health information by a health information custodian that is required by law or by established standards of professional or institutional practice.
Protocol 4 – Limiting Collection of Personal Health Information
ClinicLine will limit the collection of personal health information to what is necessary for its purposes unless required by law to collect additional information.
ClinicLine will collect information by fair and lawful means and will not collect personal health information indiscriminately.
Protocol 5 – Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Health Information
Personal health information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal health information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of these purposes.
Should ClinicLine propose to use personal health information for a new purpose, it will document this purpose.
Unless law permits the new purpose, the consent of the individual is required before information can be used for that new purpose.
ClinicLine’s policy on retention and destruction of personal health information in ClinicLine’s custody and control is compliant with PHIPA and consistent with industry best practices.
ClinicLine employees, consultants and other individuals who have cause to work with ClinicLine will follow established procedures that govern the destruction of personal health information.
Protocol 6 – Accuracy of Personal Health Information
ClinicLine will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal health information that it uses and discloses is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes that are known at the time of the disclosure; otherwise, ClinicLine must clearly set out for the recipient of the disclosure the limitation if any on the accuracy, completeness or up-to-date character of the information.
ClinicLine will make every effort to ensure that personal health information in its custody and control is accurate and complete. ClinicLine will not routinely update personal health information unless such a process is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected.
Protocol 7 – Safeguards for Personal Health Information
ClinicLine has administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect personal health information under its custody and control. The security safeguards protect personal health information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. ClinicLine protects personal information regardless of the format in which it is held.
ClinicLine has established an organization-wide security policy that describes the administrative, technical and physical safeguards it employs to protect personal health information in ClinicLine’s custody and control.
The methods of protection include, but are not limited to:
a) administrative safeguards, for examples privacy and security policies, limiting access to information on a “need-to-know” basis, and
b) physical safeguards, for examples, locked filing cabinets and restricted access to offices, and
c) technical safeguards, for example, the use of passwords and encryption.
ClinicLine makes its employees and consultants aware of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal health information through the use of internal policies, as well as internal training. All staff, consultants, and any other person working at ClinicLine are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Protocol 8 – Openness
ClinicLine makes readily available to individuals a written public statement about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal health information.
A hard copy of this Privacy Policy is also available to members of the public on request to ClinicLine’s Privacy Officer.
Protocol 9 – Individual Access to Personal Health Information
Upon written request, and provided that ClinicLine is authorized to provide this by law, an individual will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal health information in control of ClinicLine and will be given access to this information either directly or through a health custodian. An individual will be required to provide sufficient information to permit ClinicLine to provide an account of the existence, use, and disclosure of personal health information. The information provided will only be used for this purpose.
ClinicLine will respond to an individual’s access request within the response time provided in PHIPA (usually within 30 days) and at minimal cost to the individual. The requested information will be provided or made available in a form that is generally understandable.
When an individual successfully demonstrates the inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal health information, ClinicLine will amend the information as required by law. Amendments may involve the correction, deletion or addition of information. Where appropriate, the amended information will be transmitted to third parties having access to the information in question.
Protocol 10 – Challenging Compliance
Any individual who wishes to challenge ClinicLine’s compliance with the above protocols or with PHIPA may contact ClinicLine’s Privacy Officer. Instructions for making complaints are posted on ClinicLine’s website and may be obtained through ClinicLine’s Privacy Officer.
ClinicLine will inform individuals who make inquiries or lodge complaints of relevant complaint procedures.
ClinicLine will investigate all complaints. If a complaint is found to be justified, ClinicLine will take appropriate measures, including correcting the issue and, if necessary, amending its policies and practices.
Tools & Practices
ClinicLine employs various tools and practices that support the protocols and goals of ClinicLine’s privacy statements. The following is a list of tools and practices that ensure ClinicLine continues to improve and support it’s privacy goals.
The following is a list of important tools that support ClinicLine’s obligations and mission to be a responsible manager of patient and customer information.
Okta ClinicLine leverages the identity and access management platform Okta to manage access and authorization to ClinicLine’s various. All employees and contractors access ClinicLine tools and information through the Okta platform to ensure access is controlled, logged and protected with best in class capabilities.
Keeper Security ClinicLine employs the Keeper Security system to protect access to applications, systems, secrets and IT resources with a zero-trust and zero-knowledge architecture allowing us to achieve visibility, control, event logging and reporting.
Ring Central ClinicLine employs the RingCentral system for end-to-end encryption, security and privacy control to ensure confidential and secure phone, messsaging and video conferencing. This end-to-end encryption provides privacy for privileged conversations as well as security protection against third-party intrusion and cyber attacks.
GSuite ClinicLine employs Google’s GSuite for email services. ClinicLine employees leverage the platform when communicating by email using built-in tools such as password protecting emails or setting expiry dates on emails.
Amazon ClinicLine employs the Amazon Web Services platform in the Canadian region for various computational and security capabilities in delivering its products.
ZOHO ClinicLine employs ZOHO CRM in the Canadian region for various customer management needs and security capabilities.
The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of practices that ClinicLine employs that support the mission of responsible management of privacy information.
Voicemails Voicemails (both internal and external) are not to encourage or to be used for the gathering of PHI.
Product Design Product features are designed with privacy as the default. Product development leverages existing tools and practices in place whenever possible. New tools and practices are reviewed prior to deployment for conformance to this document.
Background Checks All employees are required to have a police background check performed prior to working at ClinicLine.
Encryption At Rest ClinicLine ensures that all devices and platforms are encrypted at rest including cloud services as well as local devices.
Security Is Hard ClinicLine recognizes that security and privacy are difficult. ClinicLine looks to leverage, wherever possible, industry-leading tools first and foremost and avoids trying to implement “homegrown” security tools.
Mission, Not Goal ClinicLine recognizes that security and privacy is an ongoing mission and not a final destination. ClinicLine implements regular and consistent efforts to improve its privacy practices in all aspects of its business.
ClinicLine may update this Policy from time to time by posting a new version of the Policy on the Sites and Solutions. If there are significant changes made to the Policy, we may notify users of the Solutions in advance through the Solutions or by e-mail. ClinicLine’s collection, use, disclosure, and retention of your personal information will be governed by the version of the Policy in effect at that time. We suggest that you review this Policy periodically.
Health Information Custodian (HIC) A person or organization who has custody or control of personal health information as a result of, or in connection with, the person’s or organization’s power or duties. Health information custodians listed under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 include, among others health care practitioners, hospitals, long-term care facilities, laboratories, pharmacies, community care access corporations, the MoLTC, medical officer of health or a board of health, and community or mental health centers whose primary purpose is the provision of health care (the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, s.3 (1).)
Agent in relation to a health information custodian means; A person that, with the authorization of the custodian, acts for or on behalf of the custodian in respect of personal health information for the purposes of the custodian, and not the agent’s own purposes, whether or not the agent has the authority to bind the custodian, whether or not the agent is employed by the custodian and whether or not the agent is being remunerated (the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, s.2)
Personal Health Information (PHI) Identifying information about an individual in oral or recorded form, if the information, relates to the physical or mental health of the individual, including information that consists of the health history of the individual’s family, relates to the providing of health care to the individual, including the identification of a person as provider of health care to the individual, is a plan of service within the meaning of the Long Term Care Act, 1994 for the individual, relates to payment or eligibility for health care in respect of the individual, relates to the donation by the individual of any body part or bodily substance of the individual or is derived from the testing or examination of any such body part or bodily substance, is the individual’s health number or identifies an individual’s substitute decision-maker (the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, s.4 (1).)
Identifying Information Means information that identifies an individual or for which it is reasonably foreseeable in the circumstances that it could be utilized, either alone or with other information to identify and individual (the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, s.4 (2).)
Privacy Privacy is the right of an individual to control the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information about him or herself (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2002).
Confidentiality Confidentiality refers to the obligation of an individual or organization to safeguard entrusted information. The ethical duty of confidentiality includes obligations to protect information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, loss or theft. Fulfilling the ethical duty of confidentiality is essential to the trust relationship between researcher and participant, and to the integrity of the research project. (Government of Canada Panel on Ethics, 2003).
Security Security is the protection of personal health information from unauthorized or unintentional loss, theft, access, use, modification or disclose (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2002). Security involves the protection of computer hardware and software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification, destruction or disclosure. Security also pertains to personnel, data, communications and the physical protection of computer installations. (IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms).
Contact our Privacy Officer